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=== Page 262 ===
=== Page 262 ===
But Gurdjieff insisted on numerous toasts—often his "toasts to the idiots" and keeping some self-possession despite the effects of many high-octane toasts was one of the exercises of the evening. Everyone was jocularly toasted as some kind of "idiot" according to a "science of idiotism". Gurdjieff was perfectly aware of the absurd of the process, and he reveled in it. The term "idiot" retained its obvious mockery, but, as James Moore put it, Gurdjieff "reinvested it with the meaning of individuality (from a Greek root meaning 'I make my own.')" Each student was required to choose their own level of "idiocy"- there was the ordinary idiot, the super idiot, the arch idiot, the hopeless idiot, the compassionate idiot, the squirming idiot, the square idiot, the round idiot, the zigzag idiot, the "enlightened" idiot, the doubting idiot, the swaggering idiot. Toasts were made to this or that kind of "idiot" each with its vile or benign characteristics—and Gurdjieff himself was the "arch idiot". The idiot toasts—which died with Gurdjieff, since they were distinctive to his sense of humor and fully understood only by him—reminded the toasters to be skeptical about themselves, to see themselves with an objectivity peculiar to this whimsical typology.
But Gurdjieff insisted on numerous toasts—often his "toasts to the idiots" and keeping some self-possession despite the effects of many high-octane toasts was one of the exercises of the evening. Everyone was jocularly toasted as some kind of "idiot" according to a "science of idiotism". Gurdjieff was perfectly aware of the absurd of the process, and he reveled in it. The term "idiot" retained its obvious mockery, but, as James Moore put it, Gurdjieff "reinvested it with the meaning of individuality (from a Greek root meaning 'I make my own.')" Each student was required to choose their own level of "idiocy"- there was the ordinary idiot, the super idiot, the arch idiot, the hopeless idiot, the compassionate idiot, the squirming idiot, the square idiot, the round idiot, the zigzag idiot, the "enlightened" idiot, the doubting idiot, the swaggering idiot. Toasts were made to this or that kind of "idiot" each with its vile or benign characteristics—and Gurdjieff himself was the "arch idiot". The idiot toasts—which died with Gurdjieff, since they were distinctive to his sense of humor and fully understood only by him—reminded the toasters to be skeptical about themselves, to see themselves with an objectivity peculiar to this whimsical typology.
'''стр. 262'''
Но Гурджиев настаивал на многочисленных тостах – зачастую его «тосты за идиотов» и со-хранение самообладания, несмотря на действие множества высокоградусных тостов, представляли собой одно из упражнений вечера. За каждого шутливо поднимались тосты как за представителя одного из видов «идиотов» в соответствии с «наукой об идиотизме». Гурджиев прекрасно сознавал абсурдность процесса, и наслаждался им. Термин «идиот» несет в себе очевидную насмешку, но как утверждал Джеймс Мур, Гурджиев «открыл его заново, наделив его значением индивидуальности (от греческого корня, означающего «жить по собственному разумению».) Каждый ученик должен был выбрать свой уровень «идиотизма», среди них были: обычный идиот, супер идиот, архи идиот, безнадежный идиот, сострадательный идиот, смущающийся идиот, квадратный идиот, круглый идиот, зигзагообразный идиот, «просветленный» идиот, сомневающийся идиот, самодовольный идиот. Тосты произносились за тот или другой тип «идиотов», каждый сопровождался их постыдной или благодушной характеристикой – и сам Гурджиев выступал «архи идиотом». Тосты за идиотов, завершившиеся вместе со смертью Гурджиева, − ибо они характеризовались его чувством юмора и полностью понимались лишь им одним – напоминали участникам застолья о важности от-носиться скептически к самим себе, видеть себя с объективностью, характерной для этой причудливой типологии.
== Luba Gurdjieff - Uncle George ==
== Luba Gurdjieff - Uncle George ==
=== Page 33 ===
=== Page 33 ===
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